Created (c) by Princexells Seyka (Princelling Saki)
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Juli - bulan penuh berkah

Juli, adalah bulan penuh berkah bagi saya dan keluarga. Kita mulai dari awal :
1 Juli adalah Ultah saya
8 Juli adalah Wedding Anniversary
10 Juli adalah Ultah Mama
12 Juli adalah Ultah Papa
14 Juli adalah Ultah Mama Mertua

Juli adalah bulan ketujuh dalam kalender masehi. Angka 7 itu termasuk angka sempurna. Oke, nama Juli sendiri diambil dari nama Kaisar Romawi yaitu Julius Caesar yang ternyata lahir di bulan Juli. Dia lahir tepat tanggal 13 Juli.

NOTE: The earliest Latin calendar was a 10-month one, beginning with March; thus, September was the seventh month, October, the eighth, etc. July was originally called Quintilis, meaning fifth; August was originally called Sextilis, meaning sixth.

O ya mau tau ciri-ciri orang yang lahir di bulan Juli?

* Fun to be with
* Secretive
* Difficult to fathom and to be understood
* Quiet unless excited or tensed
* Takes pride in oneself
* Has reputation
* Easily consoled
* Honest
* Concern about people's feelings
* Tactful
* Friendly
* Approachable
* Very emotional
* Temperamental and unpredictable
* Moody and easily hurt
* Witty and sarky
* Sentimental
* Not revengeful
* Forgiving but never forgets
* Dislike nonsensical and unnecessary things
* Guides others physically and mentally
* Sensitive and forms impressions carefully
* Caring and loving
* Treats others equally
* Strong sense of sympathy
* Wary and sharp
* Judge people through observations
* Hardworking

Hm, nggak semua masuk sih, he he tapi ada juga yang cocok.
Source :HUBpages

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