Setelah menelusuri berbagai sumber, ternyata ada referensi yang meyakinkan tentang Kekristenan Paul Walker.
Pertama, kesaksian dari Paul Walker sendiri. Dia pernah mengatakan: "I'm a Christian now. The things that drove me crazy growing up was how everyone works at fault-finding with different religions. The people I don't understand are atheists. I go surfing and snow boarding and I'm always around nature. I look at everything and think, 'Who couldn't believe there's a God? Is all this a mistake?' It just blows me away," (imdb)
Kedua, dia masuk di sekolah Kristen yang menekankan kelahiran baru. "Thing is, I went to a born-again Christian high school, was brought up in a traditional Mormon family where these ideas about parenting are of structure and sacrifice. "(imdb)
Ketiga, kesaksian dari anggota keluarganya sendiri seperti dikutip dari Daily Mail, 'We have a strong Mormon faith and although Paul wasn’t practicing at the time, he always had a very strong Christian faith.' (dailymail).